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Filter and Sort After Search

The improvements to the search feature you just released are great but you took away the ability to use the drop downs (Campaigns, Status, Search Relevance and Folders) after you have your search results.


Support told me that "this would be a great feature to add".  I believe that this is a necessary function to be a complete search feature.  Now I can find things with the search that I could not find before, but I cannot qualify the search, which WAS available when the search did not work correctly.  This causes me to scroll down to find the newest emails that I would like to reuse.  Legacy emails always seem to come up first. 


Hello, it would be GREAT if you could make this feature more customizable. For instance, I typed in the EXACT name of a campaign into the search field (we have 3-4 emails for this same campaign and title) into the search within campaigns field. It brought up ALL of our campaigns, every single campaign, and not in any particular order. In other words, the filtering feature does little to nothing except change the order of display, and not even in a good order. Please take a closer look at this feature. Thank you


Could you please make search results chronological?


I'm searching for a campaign email from a few weeks ago. I get 14 *pages* of results in "Sent" campaigns. I don't have time to wade through that.


We're savy customers. We sort by date all the time in other platforms. Please implement it. It's incredibly frustrating and time-wasting to get pages of results from YEARS ago when you only need a recent results.


Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about why such a search feature would be valuable to customers like me.


Please have a sort option when searching emails, or at least sort by newest for default.


When I search for a key phrase, the first emails are over 11 years old, with newer then older seemingly random in the search list. I need to go through multiple pages to find the most recent, which makes this function nearly useless.

Campaign Collaborator

The Campaign Search result should be sortable by date (without needed to go to the calendar view).


So the ability to sort search results by date -- which is absolutely CORE functionality for any search function -- has been "Coming Soon" for three full years now. This is just beyond unacceptable.


I think my feelings about this would be different if there were some plausible explanation for why this is difficult for you to implement. In the absence of any explanation for why this incredibly easy and basic thing can't be done, all we can do is come up with conspiracy theories about how the company is benefitting by inconveniencing its customers in this way. How is this company making money by forcing me to spend twenty minutes trawling through my email archive in order to find something I should have been able to retrieve in a matter of milliseconds?


There is so much that's good about Constant Contact, but this is one of the main things I point to when I advise people against starting to use it.


Right, just yesterday I was again loading what I can, searching by mailer name, then having to search down the page for '2024', then start manually scanning the months and dates trying to determine which is the most recent. This so I don't send out an obsolete (commercial real estate) mailer on behalf of the client, look like a in the process.


I don't get it. Years now, and still no search by most recent. The thing is: Constant Contact DID HAVE that sort criteria and sort function, like back in the Bronze Age. 

Marketing Legend

There are 46 comments and only 17 people have clicked the thumbs up on the original post - may I encourage everyone reading this to go to the original post and click the thumbs up to give "kudos" as that seems to be the way Constant Contact gauges "votes" for a particular topic. Adding comments without giving kudos apparently doesn't mean anything. 


I want to look at past campaigns in order (for example, I searched for "sale" but the campaigns that come up are in no particular order and I can't see the most recent ones first)

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