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Recent colors section on color picker missing in cross device editor

I'm not sure if i am doing something wrong but when I put my own hex color in and want to use it somewhere else in the email, I have to put the number in again instead of it having it their as a choice. The other version gave you the last few colors you used. Miss that.

Top Answer

Thanks everyone - the recent colors section has been added into the Cross Device editor!

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @JannaP we're sorry to hear this is the experience you're having with the hex code! Email campaigns do save selected colors in the most recent color section. What browser are you working in? Are you unable to see the hex color you entered in more than one email campaign? Or even through a different browser or a private/incognito window?

Campaign Expert

@Frankie_P - I'm having the same issue, both in Chrome and Safari. With the newest color editor from Constant Contact, I see no Recent Colors section. In the Knowledge Base article about changing the color palette, it mentions Recent Colors with the new editor, but it never shows a screenshot of that Recent Colors section. So I'm not sure where it's supposed to be showing it. 

I've attached two screenshots here, showing both tabs of the color editor - Basic and Advanced. And you can see that I've added a specific orange color to the text in the background behind the color editor via a hex code. But that orange color isn't appearing anywhere for me to select again within the color editor - I have to copy and paste the hex code in every time that I want to use it. Screen Shot 2021-07-23 at 11.30.01 AM.pngScreen Shot 2021-07-23 at 11.30.19 AM.png

Campaign Contributor

The new email builder doesn't save your recently used colors in the color picker. I have to go to more colors and copy my hex code every single time. Please bring back the recently used colors bar!

Status changed to: Voting Open

Thank you for the information, @INafterschool. Right now, our cross device editor (which you are showing in your screenshot) does not have a recent colors option.  I believe this is what @JannaP was referring to in their post. I will open the idea up for voting and reply if we have updates to share.

Marketing Legend

I have been a Constant Contact user for many, many years.  It seems that every time one thing is improved, another function suffers.

The improvements made recently to the email campaign editor are OK... (I think the biggest improvement was the ability to use a table) however, now the color options are not optimal at all.

When creating an email campaign, the color selector used to show you your last few recently used colors - which were not solely used in the campaign you were working on, but were across the entire platform.  Weird? Yes. But workable.  Typically, I use a distinct color palette for a campaign/series of emails that is different than other emails I create. Even though the recent colors were not always from the same campaign I was working on, it was somewhat easier to find the color I needed.

In the new editor, that functionality has been taken away completely and I cannot even select recently used colors.  So now, if I want to use a custom color, as I do most of the time, I literally have to type or copy/paste the hex code for every single piece of text and or background block.  It's making the process very cumbersome!

Additionally, a feature which has been missing for as long as I can remember, is an color picker/eyedropper tool!!  If this was available, then the new color selector wouldn't be such a big deal because I could input the custom color once, then use the eyedropper tool to select it thereafter.

PLEASE consider making these changes! It is extremely frustrating to see improvements to one feature but downgrades to another. 

Thanks in advance.

Marketing Legend


Marketing Legend

Additionally... If you already inserted a custom color, and did not write down or save your custom color hex code, you cannot even view it in CC to retrieve it!! Example: I used this nice orange color (below), went on with my email, and now I need to use this color again and since there isn't a "recent colors" section any longer, I tried to click on the custom color to view its hex code, but instead it shows me the code for white!!!  What the heck?!  :frown: SOOOOO disappointed in the new editor.  CC Why do you have to improve one thing only to break several others?!



Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Thanks everyone - the recent colors section has been added into the Cross Device editor!

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