Reporting- More campaign details and file type export options

Hello Constant Contact: My Boss is asking me reports of Eblasts and the only thing your system provides is a simple cvs Excel sheet. I don't think this is a Professional Report to "report". Anyone can fake a simple excel sheet. Why you don't have the option to download the full color Report in PDF with your logo and stats? It would be much better and professional. Thank.

Campaign Collaborator

Hi. It would be nice to have a page that contains an easy to read, printable Stats report. This would allow the CC user to share stats with the management team in an efficient manner. If I get the time to create one, I'd love to share it with you.


Printable reports, please! 

Can you please give us a choice to export as .xls spreadsheet instead of just .csv. Some of us don't use MS Office for everything.

Hi @JohnH3885


What reporting from your account are you looking to export into a different file type?


Reply from @JohnH3885 

When reporting the stats from a mailing, the numbers of openings, bounces,
and requests to unsubscribe are exported as a .csv file. I use an Office
emulation program from Oracle which does not open .csv files, but works
fine with .xls format. I can import .xls as well, so importing into
Constant Contact from our CME program, Little Green Light, is no problem,
as it offers me the option to export as both .csv or .xls.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Some great feedback and use cases have been shared in this thread! We’ve compiled and discussed much of this feedback you’ve shared internally. There are no immediate developments happening at this time for more file types to be available when exporting a campaign's report, but we are continuing to share the feedback. We will mark this as Acknowledged and continue to keep this thread updated with any movement.

Campaign Contributor

Having worked with Constant Contact for over 18 years much has been done to make this application a magnificent tool for multiple marketing methods. Something I wish to request is the ability to actually print out the same results we see onscreen specific to Opens, Did Not Open, Sent, Bounce, Clicks, and Unsubscribed with the listing of the email account and contact name in columns.


Over the last 18 years, I have been asked for tangible reports printed out for easy review and distribution. My only way to provide that was to take multiple screen prints to create "pages of statistics by result type" which takes a long time if there are hundreds of results. 

Campaign Collaborator

Why is there not a report that allows you to have one DETAILED report that showing the email title, the customers it was sent to are the status of each of them like below:




This seems trivial, and I don't know why I need to download three separate reports and combine them myself in order to get this information..


give me access to the databases so I can write my own :wink:

Campaign Collaborator

We would like to be able to capture all of the graphs and reporting data into one document. At the moment, we have to download three different files and combine them. Seems easy enough to have an all-encompassing reporting overview. Thanks!


I noticed that if I want to export one total list instead  of exporting several list of segmented info, the list of "clicked" shows the link clicked but no columns to show where the info came from, so no "tags" or "email list" columns.  It would be easier to export this one time and remove what i don't need rather than exporting multiple segmented lists.

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