Social Monitoring Add Multi-Image Posts and Videos for Instagram

When creating posts for Instagram I do not see the option to post videos, use multiple photos or the option to post to my story. Is this something that will be added (soon). I really like this feature and want to continue to use it. Also, will Linkedin be added? Would love to be able to post to all my social pages from one place.

Top Answer

There are multiple requests for this thread:


1) The ability to post multiple images on Instagram via the Social Posts feature - This is Implemented. When the feature was initially developed, the Instagram API allowed for only 1 image to be included in posts. That limitation was lifted, and we were now able to expand the tool to post up to 10 images for Instagram posts which will show in a carousel. 


2) The ability to post videos on Instagram via the Social Posts feature - This is Under Consideration as we are seeing what would need to be done to support videos.


In the interest of simplicity going forward, since the multi-image support is now in product, we will now use this thread for requests and updates on video posting functionality.


As an aside, I believe Instagram still doesn't allow for Stories to be posted via the API so that is something we won't be able to implement at this time. Reels, however, do seem to be supported.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @LaurieH9323  what are some cases where you would want to include a video in your social share? Where would you expect for these videos to be stored?


@Frankie_P there are several instances where it would be preferable to share video rather than image. I don't know how the videos are stored...currently, sites like SkedSocial allow you to schedule social media posts and that includes video. For anyone to consider fully switching over to CC for social media scheduling, I would think the ability to share video content would be important.

Wondering if constant contact will ever allow us to post carousel images to instagram / Facebook, or if we can ever expect to be able to post video content to those platforms through constant contact? I like the data insights I get when I post through constant contact, but the fact I can't post multiple images, or post videos to my platforms through constant contact is the reason I usually don't post using the platform.

Why is this still a problem in 2021? Including video files in scheduled social posts is table stakes at this point. Right now I have to post individually to each platform, which completely undermines CC's usefulness. I love CC, but I'm doing more and more video and I may have to find a different solution if this doesn't get resolved soon.

I am also wondering if and when we can post reels/videos/carousel photos to our profile. Thanks!

Why are social media post now limited to only one image. Why am I expected to pay more for my service next month when you continually limit functionality like this???????

Do you mean the ability to publish 10 photos at once in one post?

Status changed to: Gathering Information

This is very bad that instagram only lets you post 1 picture at a time through the social posting!!!!!

Status changed to: Under Consideration

There are multiple requests for this thread:


1) The ability to post multiple images on Instagram via the Social Posts feature - This is Implemented. When the feature was initially developed, the Instagram API allowed for only 1 image to be included in posts. That limitation was lifted, and we were now able to expand the tool to post up to 10 images for Instagram posts which will show in a carousel. 


2) The ability to post videos on Instagram via the Social Posts feature - This is Under Consideration as we are seeing what would need to be done to support videos.


In the interest of simplicity going forward, since the multi-image support is now in product, we will now use this thread for requests and updates on video posting functionality.


As an aside, I believe Instagram still doesn't allow for Stories to be posted via the API so that is something we won't be able to implement at this time. Reels, however, do seem to be supported.

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