How to Communicate Sensitively During a Crisis [Discussion]


The COVID-19 situation is constantly evolving, impacting all businesses and their customers. In this time of crisis, it's paramount that businesses maintain contact with their audience, but to do so with sensitivity toward the current circumstances. The Constant Contact Blog provides some guidelines on how businesses can approach these communications. 


We would love to hear from you. What strategies has your business employed to stay in contact with your audience? 

Campaign Contributor

I manage the social media for a green painting company, which thankfully has been deemed an essential business during our state's lock-down. However, our usual "hey look at this great living room color" isn't appropriate for right now. I am moving toward more "soft" posts about working from home, and today I posted a DIY mask video.


It is tricky, though. In posting anything at all, we are going with the idea that we can communicate how careful we are being (social distancing, etc. etc) -- and give people a sense of optimism that some craftspeople they know -- who obviously can't work at home through this -- still have their jobs and can support their families. 


I'd love to hear other's stories. It does feel like I'm in a big learning curve.


Hi @CynthiaY20,


I think the ideas you already presented are a great place to start. I'm certainly not an expert when it comes to professional painting, but my team and I considered some other ideas that might be worthwhile to try out.


Since the crisis began, have you still fulfilled some contracts which resulted in the workers being in a home? If the workers are practicing safe social distancing and sanitizing efforts, you could document that and use it for reference when letting your audience know the steps the company is taking. Even if not, you could still document what your social distancing efforts look like. Visuals can be a big help to put people at ease.


More people than ever are spending extended periods at home, and some in a single room like their office space. They're probably thinking to themselves that a new paint job is in order. You could do lifestyle posts that show off possible color designs and tie that in with a promotion where the company starts selling gift certificates so that when the crisis is over, potential customers can turn it around and use it.


Does your company also do exterior painting? You could promote this, as it would not require your workers to have much or any contact with the client and keeps the work outdoors.


Lastly, but not least. Could your company create a do-it-yourself supply kit and promote that with at-home drop-off delivery?

Campaign Contributor

Thanks, these are helpful ideas. I like the DIY kit idea! Have not thought about that, and it's an interesting concept to consider!


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