This article was originally written by River Cartier for the Constant Contact Blog.
Let the holidays begin!

I’m always inspired and energized by the “big” holiday season. I can’t get enough of the beautiful lights, gorgeous decorations, amazing food, and even the shopping. Unfortunately, that’s not true for everyone.
Whichever you are, use it to your advantage.
Sharing thoughts and worries about the season makes you and your business more relatable to customers who may or may not know you personally. Sharing the joy and the chaos of the season with your readers lets them know that you’re in it together and that you’ll make it through, and make it great, together.
While you’re busy with the hustle and bustle with friends, family, and your community all celebrating the big holidays of Christmas (Dec. 25th), Hanukkah (Dec. 25th – Jan. 2nd), and Kwanzaa (Dec. 26-Jan. 1st), don’t forget to have some fun with the smaller holidays too!
And, you know I’m not going to leave you hanging. Here’s a quick list of December holidays, newsletter ideas, and subject lines to help you have a little extra fun this holiday season.
December holidays — 2024
December newsletter ideas
We’re all busy this time of year, no matter which holidays we celebrate. However, the most important thing is to enjoy the season and share that joy with your audience. So, tap into your inner child and have fun. Laugh loudly, play games, sing with your heart, and share all the joy of the season with everyone you encounter this month.
December newsletter ideas for bringing joy
- Spread kindness for National Build Joy Day (Dec. 2nd) by donating to a local cause. Better yet, take a cue from Taylor Morrison and get “giving” ideas from your audience.
- Give the gift of relaxation for Bathtub Party Day (Dec. 5th) by providing tips for the perfect bath, sharing a link to a Pinterest board filled with great bath ideas, or, if you sell bathtubs, offering a discount for the purchase or installation of a new tub. Okay, I might be suggesting this because I need a new tub, but it’s still a good idea.
- Go beyond the inbox and Answer the Phone Like Buddy The Elf [Day] (Dec. 18th) by answering your business phone with “[name] the elf, what’s your favorite color?”
- Play games with your audience for Games Day (Dec. 20th) by sharing lists of the best games to give as gifts, for winter fun, or your personal favorites. Better yet, start an online scavenger hunt with the first clue in your email newsletter. And, offer an incentive to play by giving the winner a gift card, a gift basket, or a freebie from your store.
December newsletter ideas for yummy eats
While our family meals are pretty traditional, the one tradition that isn’t is that every Christmas, we try one new dish. Something completely new and different.
A few years ago, it was my turn to bring the “new” dish, and I was asked to make a chocolate panna cotta by a family member who had just returned from living in Italy for over a decade. The whole experience was terrifying, but with a good recipe that I found online, some tips from a chef I found on YouTube, and a few tweaks of my own, even my super-picky aunt was impressed with how it turned out.
I’m telling this story not to tell you how I make the best panna cotta ever — far from it — but rather to emphasize that I wouldn’t have been able to do it at all if it hadn’t been for the recipe I found online and the tips from that chef whom I trusted.
Be a reliable resource of all things yummy for your audience by:
- Sharing your favorite recipe and a story about it in a blog post, then describe the article or highlight an excerpt in your newsletter and provide a clickable link for people to go to your blog and get the whole story along with the recipe.
- Create a fun survey asking your readers if they’re going to stick to the tried and true this year or try something new.
- Start a recipe swap on social media and invite your readers to join in the fun. Better yet, partner with a local charity and make it a fundraiser where people can donate $1 to vote on their favorite recipe. Ensure lots of participants by providing the owner of the winning recipe with a prize of their own.
TIP: Whatever holiday you highlight in your newsletter this month, whether you issue a challenge, offer advice, or ask your readers to share, include a branded hashtag and a custom hashtag — along with a corresponding post on social media — so you can easily find and like what they post!
December newsletter subject lines
- “Go ahead, tie one on” — National Tie Month (Dec.). If you sell ties, this is a must.
- “Don’t fritter way” — Preheader: “This [sale/opportunity/etc.]” — National Fritters Day (Dec. 2nd).
- “We’ve got cookies” — National Cookie Day (Dec. 4th). Obviously great for a bakery or cafe that has cookies, but more fun for the infamous “join us, we have cookies” usage to get people to visit your location and get a free cookie.
- “Are you naughty?” OR “Are you nice?” — Santa’s List Day (Dec. 4th). This could work for any playful brand, for anything from conducting a survey on whether or not your audience has gotten their holiday shopping done to a promo for ladies’ night at the bar.
- “Rub-a-dub-dub” — Bathtub Party Day (Dec. 5th). For bath gift suggestions, sales on bath-related items, or discounts on a bathroom makeover [hint hint].
- “Jazzin’ for Blue Jean(s)?” — National Blue Jeans Day (Dec. 5th). Perfect for a sale on blue jeans, rolling out a new style or new stock, or for David Bowie fans.
- “Light up your life with . . . ” — Candle Day (Dec. 7th). Whether you sell candles, make candles, or just love candles, this is great for bringing a little light to your readers with a sale, a candlemaking tip, or a Pinterest board of your favorites.
- “I’m from the future” — Pretend To Be a Time Traveler Day (Dec. 8th). For rollback prices or to induce FOMO by taking your audience to the future Christmas Eve, and there’s nothing under the tree because they didn’t shop early enough.
- “We’re not monkeying around” — Monkey Day (Dec. 14th). Good for a serious sale/discount, or sharing serious nonprofit information or needs.
- “What’s your favorite color?” — Answer the Phone Like Buddy the Elf (Dec. 18th). Great for promoting any product that comes in various colors.
- “Having a hard candy Christmas?” — National Hard Candy Day (Dec. 19th).
- “It’s almost too late!” — Last-Minute Shoppers Day (Dec. 24th). Best used for online gift cards and other e-gifts where your customers don’t have to get to a store or have something delivered at the last minute.
- “Did you forget someone?” — Last-Minute Shoppers Day (Dec. 24th). To help customers double check their gift list and to help them get that one last gift before Christmas day.
For more December holidays and newsletter ideas, download the graphic below.
December 2024 Marketing and Holiday Planning infographic