Add Detail Report to Contact File Import

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Uploading contact information via file import is challenge without having detailed information about the rows of data that failed to import.  Looking at the below, it appears that 37 rows of data did not have email addresses.  This was not the case, and there is no way to troubleshoot without a detail/ row level report. 

Seems detail download is available if error is "unsubscribed previously".  Need that for "Not Imported".   


 File Import Activity Report.jpg

1 Comment
Status changed to: Clarifying

Hello @L83783 ,


Can you provide any further info on how that wasn't the case? If there wasn't anything in the column you dedicated for email address for a particular row, then it wouldn't have been able to be imported. 


Was the issue that they did actually contain legitimate email addresses, but the system didn't recognize them? Or was it that they contained email addresses with issues, such as erroneous spaces and symbols? Or was the issue that the contact had their email address in a different column that wasn't included as part of the import?

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