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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!


Hello!  Many marked improvements to the site over the last 6-12 months, and very glad we are able to navigate by page number again!! 


Unfortunately for those of us who have 9-15 pages at 40 campaigns per page, it is still difficult to find single items when we're looking for them.  If there were a Search Box that would search through the campaign/survey names, that would be ideal!  Another option with functionality that is already existing on your site would be to have another method for sorting - being able to sort by active or done would also make finding a particular title easier.


Thank you for your consideration.


This is an absolute MUST.  We have been members for years, have repeat campaigns on an annual basis and need to be able to find them!  HUGE PROBLEM.  There must be a search function for the campaigns!!!!

Brand Visionary

Yes, I concur. It's crazy to have to scroll through so many events and listings, even ones that have passed. We even tried to create a numerical system that would allow them to appear in a certain order but for some reason, it won't recognize the listing for alpha or numeric categorizing. We, too, have a lot of events and create the opportunities months in advance. It's very inefficient to have to look and look every time.


Please do this - I waste so much time searching for old campaigns that I need to copy - huge time suck....

same thing everyone else has said.  it is awful to think we have to click through pages of campaigns to find the one we want to copy and use again. 


Constant Contact needs to implement two things.


First the ability to search for an email by the campaign title, or a keyword in the project title. I have hundreds of emails that have been created in just the last 6 months. Trying to find a specific one is a pain in the butt.


Second the ability to add personalization to the subject line. It's 2017, not 2001. Email clients and spam filtering is much more sophisticated than it was even 5 years ago and data shows that personalized subject lines can actually increase open rates and engagement.  

Campaign Contributor
I want to look for a specific campaign without browsing. I have posted this request a few times and there are hundreds of other similar requests from other users. I am asking.... WHY is there no search bar to search campaigns?

We've been waiting for YEARS for a basic search function. It's such a basic need that I can't imagine why it would take CC so long to implement it.  I asked for this years ago and you're still "looking at it".


Marketing Legend

Yes, for years now. It's astounding that no one at CC cares to respond to customer needs. I just realized how much i'm paying monthly for this "service." Not worth it.


I would like to add my weight to this suggestion. We have thousands of campaigns that all have a city  name in the title. It is extremely frustrating to have to search through dozens and dozens of pages to find a specific campaign. A simple search of campaign titles with specific words (such as Los Angeles) that would return a list of just those campaigns with that city name would save me a vast amount of time. Many others have asked for this, and I am feeling the frustration this morning so I wanted to add my plea to have this (very basic) functionality added. Thanks.

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