Additional event payment options

Just wondering if will be used as an option when my customers register. I really like it and it's much easier on our side and less expensive. Let me know if this will ever be an option. thank you

Top Answer

Hello everyone, 


With the newer event tool out and the contract with WePay having ended after 2023, this means that PayPal is currently the only online payment provider available.


While our devs are looking into other alternatives for integrated payment providers, they are also open to any specific suggestions you have:

  • What payment provider would you prefer to use?
  • What is the most important aspect in a payment provider to you?


Our business uses Authorize.Net to accept MC and VISA, but we intentionally do not accept AMEX and Discover. I suggest an Event feature to allow me to select the cards to display on the form. Otherwise, AMEX people will get frustrated and walk away. Even better...setting payment up only once, and have it apply for every event. Today I must open up each event and put payment information in on each one.

We have an event we hold every year for vendors, and this year we are handling our registration using EventSpot. One problem we have encountered is the limited number of options available for Payment Method. We allow the vendors to pay by either Check or Credit Memo, but since Credit Memo isn't an option, we just have Check selected. We added custom fields to the registration form to let them pick if they are paying by check or credit memo, but since this isn't connected to the payment method in the system, the confirmation emails for these registrants don't make sense (they chose Credit Memo, but it says Payment Method: Check) There are two ways that this could be improved. Ideally, we would love to see you add an additional form of payment that is customizable, so we could put any text we want for the name of the form of payment. Alternatively, if we had more control over what shows up on the confirmation emails that would help as well. Thank you!
I'm very displeased to find out that after purchasing Eventspot, I cannot use the gateway provider for my merchant account that I already have. I should not be required to use your preferred provider, I should be able to directly link to the one I have.
Marketing Legend



Thank you for your post. We appreciate your feedback and are always looking for ways to improve our products. Adding additional gateway providers is a great idea, and I will pass your feedback onto our engineers.



I am with a university that is currently looking at purchasing Constant Contact. The one set back is that the university will be using TouchNet-Marketplace for credit card payments. Constant Contact does not integrate with that. I have not checked into the options with WePay for PayPal as far as fees, but there needs to be some way that I can place a disclaimer and fee increase on the Constant Contact side. This would allow attendees registering to know that the fees associated with paying by a credit card will be passed along to them.

Thanks for posting this feedback. You're right that we don't integrate with TouchNet at this time but this is something to look into for the future.


Have you tried including the disclaimer on the sign up form as a text box?

Constant Contact Partner

I'd really like to see more payment solution options to use with EventSpot, other than PayPal, that will accept Canadian accounts. WePay and ProPay only accept U.S. accounts.

Brand Visionary
We currently use Stripe for our online payments, but it is not a payment vendor option for Event Spot. Our decision to add Event Spot will be based on payment accessibility so it would be great if you can consider the ability to add a vendor of choice as opposed to selecting one of two you currently offer.

Hi! Yes please! Integrate Square for both pre-registration as well as tickets to be sold at the door. All in one event. Please! Please!


 I too would like to see Square be integrated as a payment option.  It's easier to use than paypal for many things, the reports are far superior, and funds are deposited to our bank account daily (vs on demand with paypal).

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