Chat interactions that generate further follow up phonecalls should add you to a callback list

If an issue cannot be resolved in chat, and requires a call to the support team, there should be an option to add your issue and name to a callback list so an agent can ring you already having details at hand.

This would be especially good for those of us trying to work out time differences to call.

Status changed to: Voting Open

I can see how something like this could benefit you if there are differences in time for you. I will be opening this idea for voting so other users like yourself can like vote and comment.

Status changed to: Closed - Does Not Meet Idea Requirements

In line with our updated Idea Guidelines, we will be closing this post. While we have implemented a callback queue since the time of this post, the queue is very dependent on our staffing levels and call volumes and therefore cannot be offered at all times, including requests that come from our chat support. Our available support options for customers are reviewed frequently to find what works best for both customers and our support agents.

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