Clicking "Constant Contact Dashboard" in WordPress-WooCommerce integration To Open In New Window

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From WordPress open the Constant Contact Dashboard in a new window. 


cc-open-dashboard-button 2023-12-30 113030.png

Status changed to: Clarifying

Hello @AvromD ,


Could you elaborate on where you're seeing this functionality in your WordPress account? Are you using our officially developed integration, or are you using an integration developed outside of our system?


Hi William,
Good morning. This is the official Constant Contact + WooCommerce plugin. Yes, this is a screenshot from the WordPress dashboard. 

All I'm suggesting here is an easy code fix. Add a target="_blank" into the a link for class="cc-woo-btn btn-connected". Personally I'm not a fan of other logins opening in the same window as the WP Dashboard. But maybe some people like that. 



 cc-open-dasboard-button-2 2024-01-02 103831.png


Status changed to: Acknowledged

We're updating the status of this idea to more accurately reflect its current status with our engineering team, and also made slight changes to the subject line in order for it to be more easily found. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request, but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

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