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Multiple steps needed to update credit card

0 Votes

Hello, I updated my payment method yesterday, but your system still declined to acknowledge my payment update. I came back to my account today and noticed that there was "Next" button at the bottom of the page. It is VERY unclear that I had to go through multiple steps to update my payment method. It's surprising that I cannot update my payment method within one web page. I'm so used to updating the payment method by "Edit" button on other retailer's accounts. I appreciate it if you can add "confirm" button or something before I go away from this page. Thank you.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @EmikoH0 does the "Edit payment method" button available in the billing section of your account help fir your needs?





Yes, I see "Edit payment method" link on Billing page under My Account. My issue is the following. Please let me know if I am not clear. Thank you.



1. go to Billing under My Account page
2. click "Edit payment method" button
3. click "Edit" link and edit billing information


Expected to have "Confirm" button on this initial Billing page for the successful Billing credit card information update. Expectation is that I can be able to update my credit card number within the single page, not going through multiple pages to be confirmed (I am so used to do this single page billing information updates  with other business websites).


There is "Next" button at the very bottom of the page that I did not see, so I moved away from this page after updated my credit card information. Evidentally my credit card change did not happen by doing so without confirmation and billing failure notification being sent to me the next day.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @EmikoH0. Thank you for clarifying. I can see how you would prefer to have this process be on one page.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, we do not have plans to make changes to the payment flow in accounts. Should we hear of any updates in the future, we'll update this thread. 

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