See who is Unsubscribed

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When importing a list from a file, I see that 6 contacts did not import because they were unsubscribed. How do I know which ones they are?

It's a deal breaker if every time I need to get the list of unsubscribes the ENTIRE unsubscribes needs to be downloaded and sorted.
I used to be able to see who had opted out when I tried to add emails to a list. Now it just tells me that a certain number of people can not be added because they opted out but not who they are. This is a feature that is key to our groups seeing our emails. I can not go through the opt out list with the list of 300 emails to try to figure out who opted out. I would very much like that feature back. It would be a great consideration in finding a new mass email company.
I used to be able to find customers in the Activity section, by list, to see who the unsubscribers were - I can no longer find this information when I upload a new list.
In the Activity section, I can no longer view the people and the emails I just added. I only get a summary. This really has impacted in a negative way my being able to keep my list clean and to keep me informed of any individual problems. Please return the feature!!
I have 330 families currently enrolled in my music classes, and I want to send them all an email. However, I import the file and CC tells me 5 of these contacts could not be added because they are "unsubscribed". This is SO frustrating! I should be able to have control over who I email, not you. All 330 email I'm trying to upload are CURRENT subscribers. One possible problem here is that quite possibly a client of mine unsubscribed, then they have another baby, and re-enroll in our classes, but CC still see's their email as "unsubscribed".This is problem with your system!
Constant Contact Partner
It's safe to say that most of your customers send a monthly email, therefore the Contacts Activity (especially the import/expot) info should go back 45-60 days, not 7
In the old system, you could see which contacts previously unsubscribed that you tried to add to a new list. That was very helpful in letting those people know they wouldn't receive the information they just requested so they could sign back up. I would really like to see that feature added back to the site.
Marketing Expert
I have uploaded more contacts to a list I have, and viewed the Activity report. I had one of the uploaded contacts that could not be added because they had unsubscribed. That is fine, but there is no additional information about that one. I cannot see who that was, so that I can update the list I used to update CC. I used to be able to see that information, but now I can't.
Marketing Legend

I agree with JoanB62 about the contact activity page. 7 days of information is not enough. Please give us the old activity report back!

Marketing Legend

I use this data to confirm that I've removed a contact from the lists, and when; to verify last time a list was updated, and how many emails/which emails. There are occasions where you need to see that information! The way it was before was amazingly complete and robust. By having past activity, one can then determine the time frame of new information that needs to be imported. For people who don't add information on a weekly basis, and/or offices that have more than one person helping with updating information, being able to verify when and what activities have occurred farther than a week out is crucial. It also helps investigate activity errors. Wouldn't being able to monitor past activity over long periods of time also help in compliance with the CAN-SPAM act? Please roll back the changes to the activities pages. So many of the updates you guys made to CC have severely diminished how robust and strong this product was. These strengths made you stand out as a world class service -- I hope someone recognizes that something was lost in this update and fixes it.

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