See who is Unsubscribed

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When importing a list from a file, I see that 6 contacts did not import because they were unsubscribed. How do I know which ones they are?

Brand Visionary
I did an import of what I thought were all NEW contacts, but the activity messages says that some were updated, and one was unsubscribed. Chat support says that there is no way to see the details from the import about which were added, which were updated, and which is the unsubscribed. Major omission. Such a report should be available for something like 3 days after the import for us to be able to see details.
After the update, they took away a report. It used to tell me which contacts that I imported did not go through.
Campaign Collaborator
Hi, I add contacts on a fairly regular basis. These are people I do business with, or run elections for, etc. If one or two show up as "can't be added" because they previously opted out, it would be extremely helpful if I could see who that person is without having to do a comparison of the new list and my original upload. It's sometimes vital that the opted-out person be contacted by me in regular email, so they know, eg, how to vote in their board election or where to ship their conference packages. The red numeral that shows up in the report only says that x opted out previously. Any chance we can get more detail there?
when I add contacts and the resulting activity shows like 3 I am trying to add had previously unsubscribed, how can I see which 3 those were?
Campaign Contributor
When importing contacts, error message doesn't display who unsubscribed and I need to know this so I can tell that contact to go back to JMML and resubscribe if they want to get any future emails (Some don't realize this.)
Campaign Contributor
Needs the ability to know when a profile was updated (especially the most recent update) without having to do an export. Would like to see this on Contact display. Also would like to know specifically what was updated on the export report.
It is not helpful to tell me 12 contacts were unsubscribed and could not be added, and not tell me what twelve contacts they were so that I can update my records! I like the old system much better.
Campaign Collaborator
For our purposes, it's just as important to see who is not getting our email as who is. I'm not sure why that feature was removed but it would be nice to reinstate it.
Please make this an exportable list! These errors get sent to another department for correction before the next mailing. There is no time or ability to do anything with them at this point. I had to snip and create .jpgs just to capture the list so it can be corrected in our customer records. Royal pain, PLUS it can't be fixed until we know which are wrong.
When adding individuals that state they are not receiving our emails anymore, I can no longer see which ones have or have not unsubscribed. PLEASE bring this feature back ASAP. Thank you.
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