Online marketing presents opportunities for schools to get found, build relationships, and drive enrollments. If you’re just getting started with online marketing or not seeing the results you’ve hoped for then this session is for you.
With our guest expert, Chuck Bankoff, you’ll learn a smarter, more practical approach to getting the word out about your school. From making sure your school is found, to building relationships and confidence that your school is the right choice, find out how to get the word out to the people who matter most online.
You’ll learn:
How people find your school online
How to set yourself up for success
How it all comes together
Chuck Bankoff is the senior strategist for Kreative Webworks, a School Enrollment marketing agency. He and his team help schools enroll more students by organizing their website, developing their brand, and managing their online marketing. Chuck trains other digital marketing consultants around the world and is co-author of the bestselling “Digital Minds” marketing book series. Chuck and his team are based in Southern California and work with schools across the country.
In this post, you can watch the webinar in its entirety. Interested in our free, future webinars? Sign up here to stay informed!