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Ability to Edit Thank You Page on Survey Landing Pages

Can you please consider adding the ability to customize the message that appears after a respondent clicks submit in the new Survey Pages? In the old survey format, we had the ability to customize the closing message and we miss this feature. All it says now is "thank you, your response has been submitted", but there's lots of opportunity to share a bit of follow-up information here.


Thanks for considering our request!

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @CableCableInc what on your survey's closing page are you looking to customize? Where in the creation process would you expect to be able to do this?

Marketing Legend

We'd love to ask if they have time to leave us a Google review after filling out the survey. It's also a spot to include contact information for further questions/inquiries and let them know that they'll be added to our draw.

I understand that we may be able to add a text box to that effect below the Submit button, but I worry that navigating our customers off of the survey page before hitting submit may cause them to abandon their survey submission. 

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @CableCableInc thanks for following up with these examples! We have successfully submitted this request to the appropriate team on your behalf. We have also opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well.


As much as we like the new survey system and its modern look, there are significant differences from the legacy system that have a negative effect on our use of surveys. 


  1. Legacy surveys provided for chained operations; once a survey has been submitted, the respondent is redirected to another site, in our case, a donation/pay page (WePay.) Since this is a primary use of surveys for us, this loss of function is unacceptable and either should be addressed directly or an alternate method should be implemented.
  2. Legacy surveys provided for scoring/ranking questions with a comment field. This facility is no longer possible in the new survey system. Although checkboxes could be used as a workaround, the resulting data (data file) is less than functional for these responses as compared with the legacy results.
  3.  Legacy surveys provided two essential processes that are no longer as functional in the new survey system:
    1.  Individual responses could be downloaded (print version) as a single PDF. The new survey system, to achieve a similar report, requires a cut and paste operation from the individual response screen.
    2. The second issue is the resulting data file when downloading a complete response data file. The old system generated a single .cvs file that was easily analyzed. The new file format is, to say the least, ineffective for analysis purposes without considerable manipulation.

It would be best for us for you to allow for the continued current status for legacy surveys (copy/edit) until the issues described about are resolved or workarounds or new processes are developed.


Looking forward to your response and plans for resolutions.


The A.C.N.M. Foundation, Inc.

Why is it a default setting that once you schedule a survey email it says: Delivery Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021 at 11:45 PM PDT Once the email is sent, a confirmation email will be sent to (emailaddress@server.com). I've tried selecting and deselecting the box on the scheduling page but no matter what I do I get the above message. This is not necessary, requested, and is not a feature we want and I don't recall this happening automatically over the last few emails sent. Also the new survey builder is incredibly limited and doesn't have enough settings to create the best survey for our needs or for client experience. Additionally, the changes for how to email survey invites is lacking features the legacy survey had such as the option for a greeting or closing page that could be customized, as well as copying invitations so that the process for multiple emails was very quick.
The old Survey Form that you are discontinuing has a closing page that enables us to include personalized messages, reference emails, and links back to our website. Please add this option to the new Survey form.
When responders complete our legacy surveys, they are taken to a URL of our choosing, which works well for us. The new surveys don't have that option, but we'd like that built back in.
Can we still have a preview page and a closing page to the survey? I can't find that option. Within the question, there doesn't appear to be any formatting available, am I not looking in the right place?
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @NorthStarVETS are you looking for the thank-you page on your survey to redirect to a different URL? Where in your campaign would you expect to see this option?


Thank you, @Frankie_P

When creating legacy surveys, the option to designate a thank you page URL comes at the last step before making the survey live. I didn't see that option anywhere in the new survey tool, but it's very helpful in the way we use the it and would love to see it included.

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