We would love there to be an auto separation feature. For instance If we have an email campaign we want to send to 16,000 people but do not want to send them all at once. It would be nice to be able to make one campaign then be able to upload that 16,000 contact list and then be able to say, send out in batches of 2,000. Or any size batch. Then after that be able to schedule the dates for each batch that is automatically pulled.
Currently we have to pull our 16,000 contacts from our software system and export to Excel. Then we have to manually separate the contacts into different excel sheets of 2,000 contacts per sheet. Then we have to individually upload those 8 excel sheets and create 8 Contact lists here in Constant Contact. Then after that we have to make and schedule 8 separate email campaigns and assign each list to different campaigns. It is a nightmare for us.