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Add Search Option to Campaigns

It would be extremely helpful if I could type a couple words to search for in past campaigns. Then I could easily locate the different emails we have used to market past events we are repeating. Thanks!

Please create an option to easily search for campaigns. I often copy prior campaigns and have to scroll through so many pages until I find the one I'm looking for. Then, when I finally find my email and click on copy it takes me back to the log in page and I have to start the process all over. So time consuming. Please help. Thanks!
Campaign Contributor

Hey Constant Contact team! 


We use constant contact everyday to communicate and connect with the members of our church. I wish there was the capability to search emails or events that we have published in the past. 


Since many adminsistrators here use Constant Contact, it can be difficult to keep all emails and events labeled or in folders. Even within a folder, we would need to scroll to find what email we were looking for. It'd be super helpful to be able to search for those things instead.


That's all! Keep up the good work -



Village Church of Barrington

Campaign Collaborator
A way to search campaigns by title, keyword, date sent, date created, etc. would be very helpful. If I've missed it, it would be great to have it more prominent.
Campaign Collaborator

I post a lot and sometimes need to go back and see something from a year or so ago. It would be great to type in a word or phrase and find it, instead of going back page by page. 


I have been tasked with looking into some old emails and reporting on the open rates- with over 5oo emails sent It is nearly impossible to find and old email without a search funtionality - PLEASE PLEASE please implement this ASAP - Frankly I can not believe this is not a current function. Unless I'm missing it somewhere.

Is there a way to search campaign titles or content/description rather than scrolling through all previous campaigns to find what I am looking or?

Hello. It is very difficult to find old campaigns using the sort. You should seriously consider a search function! Best, Alecia Sudmeyer 

Campaign Collaborator
Your new system is beyond atrocious when it comes to locating an old email. I don't want to click "View more Campaigns" 100 times just to find an old email. And no, sorting by oldest does not help. I can't imagine who thought this design was a good idea. Your old system had page numbers that allowed me to jump back and forth in time through our history of sent emails. This new system is so poorly designed I am incredibly shocked how anyone would make this on purpose and think it's a good idea.
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