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Adjust Frame width for images

0 Votes

Thank you for all the work on this. We're *almost*, but not fully there yet. The issue I'm having with the new frames is that the minimum width is 25. Why is this not changeable? 25 is a very thick border and, again, the image looks clunky and unprofessional. Please tell me I'm doing something wrong so I can get the classic, thin keyline that we've all been wanting and waiting for. Thank you.

Campaign Contributor

I agree.  We appreciate your work on this, but this black frame is too thick.  It makes the image appear cartoonish.  When the image is of a television celebrity that is headlining your conference, you do not want to portray them as a cartoon. We need a think black frame also.  Thanks.

Status changed to: Voting Open
Marketing Expert

Re: image frame

Hello Constant Contact! Can we get an update on this please and thank you? We're still in the same place we were a year ago; the frames are no longer usable because they are so ugly.


Hi @LawFoundation. We do not have any updates to share at this moment but if we do receive any, we'll reply here. 

Marketing Expert

Hello CC. This simple request is not only going into another year but a new decade now (Happy 2020!) ; 0 

Can we please get an update on the status of this? It seems that your vendor simply needs to remove the minimum size for the frames. No? Thank you.


I miss being able to tweak the CSS. Perhaps the feature I miss most is adding borders to images. It can be VERY simple...no fancy artwork...just color and width options. Today I used a dark picture on a dark background. A 1 px white border would have made all then difference.


This is weird! I just posted the above suggestion for border options for images. Somehow, the credit went to ScottS394 ... I'm sure this one will too. I'm not holding my breath for badges but I would like my identity: ruthielip. Thanks if you can help. 

Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @ScottS394 thanks for sharing this feedback with us! While our updated Email Newsletter templates do not offer access to it's HTML, our image editor does allow users to add borders on images directly in the email. Does this tool not fit your needs? As for your Community screenname, this can be updated by logging into your Constant Contact account; click the profile icon and choose My Account > under My Profile click Community Screen Name.


I would like to add borders to images... that are 1 pt (or smaller).  An 18 pt border looks awful and is very useless.


We just want to add a simple 1px or 2px black border around our images. The smallest border size in the "edit image" box is 16px? There should be an easier way to add border to images.

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