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Colors & Fonts

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I'm finding it difficult to change colors on all the small blocks that blocks. Not everything that appears is shown in the left column for changing. I changed them all before, but now I can't get that last item to change, even though I was able to change the color code in inspect mode. Aargh!
Status changed to: Open Questions

Hi @LeonardT. Could you provide some additional information about where you were attempting to change colors in your campaign? A screenshot would be very helpful so we can continue to assist you.  


I was able to figure it out by clicking through some tabs I never noticed before. It was the footer at the very bottom of my campaign that had no content, only color. Thanks.

Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hi @LeonardT. Thanks for letting us know. If you ever need assistance again, please post directly on our Support forums. We'll be happy to assist you there.   

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