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Email campaigns reporting export xls

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There is a way to export the email campaigns with the different KPIs in a XLS. file. 

The CSV is not useful to make reports, compare, and add new KPIs as I need to analyze the results. 

Status changed to: Clarifying

Hello @MattG395 ,


Could you please elaborate on which email report exports you're referring to? Drilldowns emails' specific metrics (opens, clicks, etc.) allow for CSV and XLS download formats via the Import/Export Activity page. Does this fulfill what you're looking to do?


Additionally, could you please provide more detail as to what you're trying to accomplish with an XLS file that you cannot with a CSV file? Are you able to convert the downloaded CSV into an XLS via the spreadsheet program you use to view the data on your device?

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to leave us your feedback. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. We will leave it open for comments in case you are able to provide us with the requested information.

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