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Go back to contact view when editing

When I'm working with contacts, sometimes I need to make changes to several contacts with the same last name. In the old contacts system there was a "back" option that would allow me to return to the previous search results...it would be nice to still be able to do that instead of having to search again once I've looked at a specific contact's screen.

1. Allow us to see lists and tags in the contact view. 2. Add an arrow at the top instead of having to scroll to the bottom to get to the next page. 3. When you edit a contact and then go back to the list, don't go back to the very beginning. I want to keep editing from where I left off.
It would be nice if there was a way to advance from one contact to the next without having to back up to the previous page.
whwn I want to return to the previous page your system takes out of its page and does not return to the previous one Thank you
When I am scrolling through contacts and notice something that needs to be edited, then click on the name in order to edit the contact info, make and save the change, it would be nice if I was then re-directed back to the same spot in the contact list I was at before I went off to the editing screen to edit. Right now I am directed back up to the TOP of the list, which is not where I'd like to be.
It would be nice if there was a way to not have the contact list go back to the beginning of the list each time you edit or add an email. I would like it to just simply return to my last edit or add. It takes forever to keep forwarding to where you left off. Can you help?
Maybe I missed it, but it would be nice if one could stay on a page in the contacts list to finish it without having to go back to the beginning, scroll down to the arrows at the bottom and click through to the page. I have spent a LONNNNG time on email list cleanup and am only on the "c" last names!! If there is an easier way to clean up our list in real time without having to export to a paper document and go back in, please share it, or please consider some changes to make this easier. Stay safe during this crazy pandemic. Thanks - C. Wood, RRSC

"Maybe I missed it, but it would be nice if one could stay on a page in the contacts list to finish it without having to go back to the beginning, scroll down to the arrows at the bottom and click through to the page. I have spent a LONNNNG time on email list cleanup and am only on the "c" last names!! If there is an easier way to clean up our list in real time without having to export to a paper document and go back in, please share it, or please consider some changes to make this easier. Stay safe during this crazy pandemic. Thanks - C. Wood, RRSC"


Similar comments to this have been left on here for years!! PLEASE do something about this!! I am having to go through a list of over 5000 contacts and each time I have looked at one and go back to the list, I am taken to the top instead of where I left off. This is making a long job very much more time consuming. I've seen complaints about this going back to 2013 - why has it not been fixed - it's pretty basic!

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Our recent contact system updates have made some big improvements in this area. You can easily edit contacts in an overlay window, without having to go back to the previous page when you're done. This should mean no longer having to reload the page/search that you're on!

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