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Greeting Details in Automations shouldn't change

Hello -- writing to express a need for personalized greeting details (think a leader's name or an associate's name) within a long-running automation (think 5 months) to not update based on other, unrelated lists being updated with new information (think a different associate's name being tied to the leader name for a separate campaign). 


The fact that the personalized detail (in our company's example) changes out often, it's hard to do any sort of automation that is personalized and long-standing, because our leader's have multiple associates we communicate with them about, and so the name in that field is constantly updating. 

Status changed to: Clarifying

Hello @CandL ,


I'm not sure I really understand what it is you're trying to avoid? Is your issue that your contacts have a custom field for "title," and you're constantly updating the same contacts to have different info for those fields?


If you're communicating with other individuals within a company, is there a reason you wouldn't have those as individual contacts?


Hi @William_A 

I use custom fields (leader's name and associate's name) in email campaigns and automations to keep leader's informed of an associate's involvement or progress in learning material. Since many leader's have multiple associates that could be involved in various learnings, it's hard to do anything but singular email campaigns, since custom associate field tends to change with every new list upload. 


On a former email marketing tool we used, it was possible to upload to a list for an automation, for this example, and the leader name and associate name not change, even if I uploaded the leader to a new list for a different email campaign or automation, with a new associate name. 


I've managed to make the current setup with CC work, although it becomes more manual than automated bc I have to consider timing of when things go out / confirm leader or associate names haven't changed out. When I chatted a rep, they said I could add the topic here in case an enhancement could be made... 


So to make sure I'm understanding what you're asking, you want to be able to upload contacts with a specific field for "associate," but have it so that specific field can have multiple values associated with it. From there, you'd want the email system to automatically insert the relevant value, based on the list(s) being sent to?

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