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Insert blockquotes into campaigns

There are really two different "indent" issues involved in this thread. One is indenting the first line of a paragraph, which it sounds like now can be done with use of the space bar. For me personally, that is the less important one. The other issue that's been discussed, and which is just unforgivable that it's been ignored all this time, is being able to do the equivalent of a "blockquote" to indent, for instance a quote within your text. THis is especially important, I think, for those of us who publish newsletters.

Top Answer

Hi all. An indent/outdent paragraph feature has been implemented in campaigns using the CPE editor.




Campaign Contributor

I agree that what we most need is the ability to indent a block paragraph! It's interesting that we can do it here, as part of the comments, but cannot do it in our newsletters.

Here is the example of what we are talking about -- I used the "increase indent" tool that let's this entire paragraph be indented so that it stands out from the rest of the text, and draws the eye to it. It is perfect for lists, block quotes, and other things that need to be set off from the main text. Then, when it is done, you can use the "decrease indent" to get back to the original text.

I have returned to my original text with no indent -- and it is so simple! There has GOT to be an easy way to add this feature to our emails! Please, please, please!!

Status changed to: Gathering Information

Hi @rcppubs23 and @UCFYP-Holtons 


Thanks for following up with this clarification! We have moved your comments from the original indent request thread to a thread of its own so it may be properly tracked. With that said, what are some cases where you would want to insert quote action blocks into your email campaigns?

Marketing Legend

Yes, I have the same need that @Revs-Bil-Cher describes.

Another example is I might have a headline type block of text (say it might be larger type and centered, for instance) and I don't want it to run the full width of the email and yet I also don't want to put hard returns in it since those will break differently depending on the monitor size. So I might want the text to be indented say 200 pixels on both left and right side, so the lines of text are shorter with some space around them.

Marketing Legend

Another possibility is to have a block in which we can insert html code, even if you continue to refuse to allow us to edit the html code in most blocks. At least one of your competitors has a block like this. I won't mention their name because I know your algorithm will just delete it. Of course they do allow access to the html code in all block types, but they do offer a specific one called "code your own" that lets you bring in code for one block, while using the standard tools for most of the template.


Also, I believe there were a number of people in various parts of the other thread who commented on having a blockquote type feature so you may want to draw their attention to this thread, or at least post a cross reference to it. It's not just the 2 of us.


Thanks for following up with these examples! We have opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well.


We really need a block indent feature for a whole paragraph. If I remember correctly, some years ago Constant Contact had this feature, so it is possible. We would so appreciate your adding this again as it would help us produce more attractive emails.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

There are no immediate developments happening, but we are continuing to share the feedback. We will mark this as Acknowledged and continue to keep this thread updated with any movement.


There is a workaround to imitate an indented paragraph. The space to the left of the indent isn't customizable, but I did want to include it here as an option:

  • Add a bulleted or numbered list to the desired paragraph(s) of text
  • Click the Tab button to indent the paragraph(s) in the list
  • Remove the bulleted and numbered list. The indents will remain.

With that said, what are some cases where you would want to insert quote action blocks into your email campaigns?

A block quote is how you format a quote (i.e., quoting another person or publication) that is more than 2 lines. This is a standard. Our organization posts stories regularly that use quotes that are longer than 2 lines. 
It's incredibly frustrating not to be able to do this without complicated workarounds. 

Marketing Legend

This workaround from @Caitlin_M is much better than the more complex one we had talked about previously (using the 2-column block with a color background, removing one column and turning the background transparent or white)


Definitely need a block quote system - the bullet list workaround does not indent on the right side, which is necessary for a block quote. 

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