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Links On Reporting Page Going To Sent Report (Clicks, Bounces, etc)

When you click on Reporting and get a list of reports, you easily get the impression that you can click through on any one of the columns and it will take you to that place directly. For instance if you click on "Bounces" within a report row, you expect it to take you to the list of bounces, because there are other places in the report where you can do that. I even think that in the past you could do that in reports. If you can make it work that way it would be an improvement. If you can't, you should at least have a color background across the row display on mouseover, that would suggest the columns cannot be accessed directly.

Top Answer

Hello - Happy to say that the fix for this issue was applied this morning. All metrics on the reporting page should be linked to their proper report, instead of defaulting to the Sent report for all. Sorry for the trouble.


Special thanks to @rcppubs23 for reporting the issue originally!


Hi @rcppubs23


Thanks for sharing this feedback with us! Clicking the numbers from the Reporting page results in just going to the email's sent report, which can swapped to other reports from the dropdown. Whereas clicking the numbers in the email's actual report actually goes to the specific report. We can however understand how helpful it would be to automatically open up to that specific report and would be happy to continue to collect both requests along with use case examples. 

Status changed to: Gathering Information
Marketing Legend

As follow-up and more explanation, even if ultimately CC decides NOT to add this feature, perhaps the idea of having the row change colors when you mouse over, which gives you the idea it's the whole report that would open up. What I'm talking about is like what you get if you click into the opens, bounces, etc. You'll see if you mouse over someone in one of those lists, the background of the row turns gray, giving you a clue what you are going to get--and it would be even MORE meaningful on that report list page. I am pretty sure it DID work that way in the past and stopped in the latest "upgrade."


Sometime about 4 versions or more ago, a whole new level of clicking around got introduced to the interface. Now you have to click so many times to get to specific information you need, but implementing this idea would solve some of that. You would almost think Constant Contact is a microsoft product, the way it keeps bloating the program. My 2 cents.

Campaign Contributor

On the reporting page if you click on the clicks, bounces or unsubscribes for a particular campaign it is sending you to the wrong page.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

I believe this is a bug, not a feature that was changed the purposely link to the sent report for all metrics on the reporting page. We're getting this to the correct product team to weigh in on any recent changes that may have inadvertently changed this behavior. I'll circle back to this post with any updated.


I'll also be updating the subject line of this post in hopes of more people finding it in case they'd like to subscribe for updates.

Marketing Legend

Thanks @Kyle_R for the reply. I also thought it was probably a bug, because of the way the coding is, with an apparent link on text in each column but not going to that data. And because in a previous version of the interface it did not behave the way it does now. Appreciate your recognition of the issue. I was rather annoyed by the response I was getting that "This works this way" and not acknowledging the problem I was even raising.

Status changed to: Planned
Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Hello - Happy to say that the fix for this issue was applied this morning. All metrics on the reporting page should be linked to their proper report, instead of defaulting to the Sent report for all. Sorry for the trouble.


Special thanks to @rcppubs23 for reporting the issue originally!

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