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Links opening in the same window as campaign

It is a best practice when linking to any site other than your own, to make it open in  a new window so as not to lose the reader. Since this is an email cms, that seems like it would have automatically have been the design.


I avoid inserting any links that aren't absolutely necessary because I don't want to lose email readers.

Top Answer
We've identified a specific issue with clickable buttons in the permalink and View As Webpage link. When viewing these pages, clicking a button will cause the new page to open in the same tab instead of in a different tab which is the behavior of emails accessed through an email client. Text links are not affected by this issue. We submitted a request to our development team to have the URLs behave uniformly or to have a choice between links opening in a new tab or window. There are no immediate developments happening but we will continue to keep this thread updated with any movement.
If you are seeing buttons or text links acting differently outside of the behaviors listed above, please collect the following information: 
  • campaign name
  • email client
  • browser
  • if the link was inserted as a button or text
  • which button or text link is acting this way

You can then email us communitysupport(at)constantcontact(dot)com for further assistance.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @RunCoachDeb thanks for sharing this feedback with us! We have opened up your idea so other users can weigh in as well.


I agree this is a definite issue. Even this editor has that capability when inserting links.


I strongly agree, it is very important to have a separate window open when a link is clicked on, so the reader is able to get back to the newsletter to complete reading it. Even I accidently close out the document when reviewing the test email. Thank you for considering it.


The lack of ability to have a link open in a new window is frankly a disaster because i am finding that when you clink on the clink it opens up replacing your e mail, the usual ability to click backwards to the previous window appear to be lost, so your reader has to go back to the original e mail and open it all over again.  All website designs i have seen have the ability to open links in a new window. Constant contact needs to fix this asap

Marketing Legend

YES YES YES!!!!!!   A lot of our campaigns are re-posted within our in-house software in the form of a pop-up message which I add via an iFrame and every link opens in the pop-up rather than in a new tab/window which makes it extremely difficult for people to follow the links (i.e. register for an event, pay your bill, etc) because they are in a 650 wide window and I have tried every which way to change it but cannot because the functionality is embedded within the email campaign itself.  PLEASE change this so that links open in a new window or tab BY DEFAULT!!!


Example of campaign re-posted within our software system via iFrame:


Links open in popup rather than in a new tab:



Campaign Contributor

Absolutely agree - the fact that links still don't open in new windows - especially from such a leading CRM company - is a bit of a shocker! 

Marketing Legend

Can we PLEASE see this in the next "update"?? 

Campaign Contributor

This has been raised many times here before and so far, Constant Contact has not made it possible for inserted links to be opened in a new window. My newsletters are full of links to other interesting content - so I will be leaving Constant Contact this month and moving my business elsewhere.  It's  a shame as I have got used to it and enjoy using it - but I can no longer accept that my customers have to keep going  back to the original email if they click on a link.  If other newsletters can do this, why can't CC? 


Hi @LindaA067


We apologize for any inconvenience caused from this feature not being available. There are many factors that are used to decide what is added to or updated in our product which can cause us to sometimes not have a timeline for when a feature will be available. We apologize, while we may not have a time estimate for this feature request, the more request a thread like these receive the higher of a priority it can be given by our Product Team. In fact, here is a section of our Community that helps explain what we do with our customer’s feedback.

Marketing Legend
I embed a lot of our CC emails into an iFrame "message of the day" pop up window in our MLS database for our members to see our messages and a lot of times they have a link to register for a class or take some action. Most of your templates have the links embedded automatically so that they open in the same window as the message - this is TERRIBLE. I have come across one or two templates, randomly, that actually do open the link in a new window which is preferable!! Can you please either make all your templates open the link in a new window, OR when I go to add a link, require the editor to ask if you want the link to open in the same or a new window?? Please!
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