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More file types for exporting results from survey page

Please add a way to export the survey results via PDF. The chart report is much easier to share with upper management than the excel file.

Top Answer

Hi everyone! Thank you for your patience as we looked into this! The good news is we have received word from our engineers that  downloading survey results as a PDF is now available. If you have any additional questions on this, please don’t hesitate to respond to this post as we would be happy to assist you further.

Campaign Expert
Why cant we export the results in a PDF format any more??
Why is there no reporting function for surveys so results can be shared with others in a professional-looking report? Exporting results just dumps everything into a spreadsheet and then I have to convert that into an actual report. There needs to be a way to download a report with all the results compiled and ready to send to out.
I wanted to suggest that if it would be possible in the future to export the survey results graphs in PDF vs CSV. It takes a lot of manual labor to create a "readable" report and it is a paramount feature that we need in the survey service. Thanks!
Constant Contact Partner
Is this a joke? The export is not helpful at all. I'm supposed to reformat everything and what, cut and paste pictures of the graphs? I don't think csv should be the only option.
Brand Influencer
Good Morning, The improved survey design is lacking. Now there's no PDF chart reports. Why? You can't even download the charts shown on the results page. Why? Thank You, Christine Call 850-508-0363

Why did you decide to allow export of survey results only in CSV format? Last time you allowed also Excel and PDF, and it was so much more useful and convenient. Why change something that is working just fine? We hope that Constant Contact re-evaluates this change and adds back the variety of formats for survey results export.


Reporting results from surveys using the new tool is a nightmare. I just spent my morning putting the totally unusable results (no PDF summary, no usable spreadsheet with a "details" tab to read comments) into a Word document of my own making to share with my board/conference director. No way I would send a list of over 2000 line items with absolutely no way to make heads nor tails of it to my client, so why is Constant Contact giving me such a rotten result? Whoever decided this survey tool was ready for prime time and pulled the trigger should lose his or her job. Anyone can see that CC has missed the most important part of a survey - sharing the results with others. I can't believe this is happening. Do I start shopping for another email marketing product and steer my client associations in a different direction. A total debacle. This shouldn't have happened, someone was asleep at the wheel. 


Frankie_P says " ... this (PDF export) is a great idea!" as though it is something never thought of before. PDF exports were part of the old system and worked perfectly, as did the .xls formats and the .cvs raw data format. The new system has only two .cvs exports which are unusable for any purpose. Neither of them present data in a tabular form like the old exports did. Who came up with these? How am I expected to make any sense out of the data?


Exports are not the only issue. I have many surveys that I copy to use again. Now I have to recreate them all from scratch because there is no function to convert old surveys to the new version. Also, several question types in the old system are missing in the new one. I can't even end a survey because there is no "Close" on the option menu.


I suggest you put back the old system and take this one back to the workbench until you have it right.

Constant Contact Partner
Hi there, The old "legacy" surveys had better options for reporting. It used to be that you could download a PDF or Excel with the survey results. Is this possible with the new surveys? If so, it isn't obvious on how to access that download. Seems like a bit of step backwards...

Hi @Newmarket_Chamber what are the steps you're taking to download your survey reporting? At this time users do have the ability to export their reporting into an excel file. However being able to download the reporting as a PDF file is a feature request we are currently collecting feedback on. In fact we have merged your post into a larger thread focused on this request. The more request a feedback thread receives the higher a priority it can be given by our Product Team!

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