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Permanent removal from trash

Please consider adding as empty trash feature. Fully understand there is no limit but completely deleting campaigns works better. Especially if multiple users use same account. Thank you

How do we empty the trash?

yes, PLEASE add the Empty Trash Feature. You can add three {are you sure's} to make sure the user means it. At the end of the day we're all adults and with adulthood comes personal responsibility. While I appreciate CC's heart to allow users to change their minds, at the end of the day it's the responsiblity of the user to be responsible in what is kept and what is trashed. We now have multiple users in the same account and there's a LOT of clutter. Love CC - this is really the only part I dislike - thank you so much!

Marketing Legend
have emails from 2008 why can't we delete old old old emails
Campaign Collaborator
I would like to be able to delete emails that were never used. It's not a bad plan to keep them for a short time in case they were deleted in error, but please remove them at some time, perhaps after 6 months at the maximum.
Status changed to: New

The main reason we've allowed deleted emails to remain in the trash is so that they can be restored if they are deleted accidentally. I appreciate you taking the time to let us know how your views and feedback. I will pass this request along.


There's really no way to permanently delete a capaign that I tried to delete? This is the most asinine thing I've ever encountered.

Status changed to: Voting Open
Might someone tell me how I can permanently delete campaigns/messages? They're kind of irritating me just sitting in that delete box.

This seems to be a very basic yet valuable user need. (As evidenced by this thread, amungst many others.)

I can't mention how may times I've had to come up with silly name iterations for campaigns because the name I needed was used for a campaign I had to trash.


I highly doubt the CC dev team would have any problem implimenting a delete feature. What's the hold-up? Is this something we should expect in future updates, or has CC decided it's just not in the cards?

Campaign Contributor
I would like to completely remove the deleted campaigns, but I could not find an option to do that. I only see the RESTORE option.
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