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Reporting- More campaign details and file type export options

Hello Constant Contact: My Boss is asking me reports of Eblasts and the only thing your system provides is a simple cvs Excel sheet. I don't think this is a Professional Report to "report". Anyone can fake a simple excel sheet. Why you don't have the option to download the full color Report in PDF with your logo and stats? It would be much better and professional. Thank.

Brand Visionary
In the old format you could print the All Emails Report

Hi @Transformations

Which report are you looking for? Are you referring to all opens or the graph that used to show at the top of the Reports page?



Brand Visionary

The old version has a printable version of the page with the graph and all of the email stats listed in the order they were sent that included sent, bounce, spam, opens, clicks forwards... The toolkit doesn't seem to have this. 



Brand Visionary

That doesn't do me any good.  I am looking for the overview of all of the emails sent not the detail behind it. 

Campaign Expert



When you export contact info your choices are *.csv and *.xls formats.


MS Excel has used the *.xlsx format since EXCEL 2007.  How about updating the formats for EXPORTS?  


Such an update would save your customers from having to re-save to the newer (by 10 years) format! <grin>  It would also help in visually locating the file as *.xls files have different icons than *.xlsx (at least on my computers (WIN 7 PRO and WIN 10.)


Buddy Knight

Marketing Legend

Do not see where to print. Do not want to export as a csv file.

Status changed to: Open Questions

Great feedback @PatriziaB6,


Are you looking to export reports on a campaign to campaign level?  Or are you more looking for better exportable reports that compare your campaigns?  Would like to get a better understanding of what you would find helpful.

Campaign Contributor

Hello Patrick,


Thank you for your prompt response.

I need to report campaigns every week.

And what can I give to my Boss?  a simple line in comma delimited that anyone can fake.

Please work on provide better formatted Reports urgently !

A PDF document with your logo , date and short picture of blasted email with all statistics in color.

That's a Report !

To show to your Boss, to your Clients (great tool) , or simply to file.


Thanks for listening.



Campaign Contributor

I want the printable report button back. The pdf looks nicer for the clients.

Marketing Legend

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