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Search Contact's Full Name Instead Of Only First Or Last

0 Votes

All the changes that have been made to the contacts page has made updating, searching and adding contact more inconvenient. I can no longer look up a customer current or previous through their first and last name, it has to be all separate, which makes finding their customer file more time consuming. It would be great to have that feature back. Thank you.

This is horrible! I can't just search for a name now. If I pick contacts it won't search unless I pick a list. Then when I do pick a list, it won't give me back the search. HELP!
Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @JulieP7 thanks for sharing this feedback with us! Having the ability to search for contacts by their full name instead of just the first or last name is a feature request we are collecting feedback on. We have opened up this idea so other users can weigh in as well in the meantime.

Status changed to: Closed - Implemented

Hi everyone, thank you for your patience as we looked into this! The good news is we have received word from our engineers that this feature is now available. If you have any additional questions on this, please don’t hesitate to respond to this post as we would be happy to assist you further.

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