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Send email notification when a survey is completed

I am wondering if there is a way I can get alerted through my email that a client has completed the survey. This did not happen and I need to know this without the client telling me that she has finished and sent it in. Thank you!

Top Answer

Hi all. Thank you all so much for taking the time to explain to share your feedback on this feature request. We’ve compiled and discussed this feedback you’ve shared internally. There are no immediate developments pertaining to this request, but we are continuing to share the feedback and use cases discussed here. We will mark this as Acknowledged and will post any updates we may hear from our teams.

Status changed to: Voting Open

Hi @ElizabethE607 this is a great feature request! We have opened this idea up so other users can weigh in as well.


Have been using the "survey" feature as an "intake form" to get info from interested people.

Here is what is NOT working about your survey form:


1. I don't get notified when someone fills it out!  This is HUGE, since I can't respond to customers in a timely fashion without knowing they submitted information.


2. I can't "tag" or add these respondents to a list?  Should be able to track who filled out my survey, in ANY case when information is taken.  Ideally, I should be able to see it also linked to their contact for future reference, but at least I should be able to send an email to the people who filled out my form


3. Can "print" or save the individual responses all at once!  I have to open, then download each response individually - this is a complete waste of time in a digital system that should be able to do this easily.


SO FAR Survey Monkey is winning me back as a customer! 


I run into this all the time with Constant Contact - so good ALMOST... it just lacks the overall winning features that make data management and communication with customers easy... in literally EVERY aspect of service - landing pages, surveys, emails, contact management, etc...

Campaign Collaborator
It would be nice to get notified when someone clicks a POLL button instead of having to run a report manually. This would be most helpful for me on campaigns that someone may respond to several weeks after it was sent. It would also be nice to be able to customize a landing page for users when they select a poll, and to be able to make changes to the landing pages after a campaign is sent, for instance, to notify user the poll has closed. And lastly, it would be nice to have a setting to disallow / allow anonymous poll responses, and to have responder confirm their email address (in case they are responding from a forwarded email or a web version which would cause the name to be blank and email address to be "Unidentified".

We used to get a notification when someone completed a survey. We are a church and this new design is not working for us at all. We use it for our pledge campaign and the changes have made it difficult to navigate. I just realized that the survey will now close and I want to extend it longer but can't find a way to do that. Sadly, we are going to have find another way outside of CC to do our online pledging and other activities we used the survey's for going forward, this is so disappointing.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi all. Thank you all so much for taking the time to explain to share your feedback on this feature request. We’ve compiled and discussed this feedback you’ve shared internally. There are no immediate developments pertaining to this request, but we are continuing to share the feedback and use cases discussed here. We will mark this as Acknowledged and will post any updates we may hear from our teams.

Marketing Legend

I had a survey we had been using for several years as part of our new subscriber series, and one of the CC reps helped us convert it to the "new" survey interface when the change was forced. We do not get a lot of responses, so I only recently noticed that I am no longer getting email notifications when someone responds to a survey and I don't see any place to set that up. Anyone know if that is still possible? I feel that when people respond to a survey giving their experience with and opinions about your email program, you want to respond to them right away. But we don't really have the capacity to go into the survey and check manually every day.


If it is no longer possible, I hope Constant Contact will consider bringing that back!

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @rcppubs23 


At this time survey campaigns  do not have response notifications available. The only way to view that information is to log into the account and view the results through the campaign itself. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. In the meantime we can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but would like to indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.


Is there a chance we could have email notifications for survey responses? This would help our business so much.


Is it possible to get responded surveys via email once they are completed?


Hi @MinervaA12. You will need to log into your account to view survey responses. We have an open feature request to turn on survey notifications so I'll move your post over to the appropriate thread.

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