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Unsubscribed members

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I had to call your support center to find out that after locating an unsubscribed member and then clicking the box on the left I lost the option to re-subcribe a member. This is a poor interface since when I clicked that box (which is a natural thing to do) I got a whole different set of options none of which were to re-subscribe this person. I wasted a bit of time with your annoying robot before getting to a support person who had to share my screen in order to ascertain the problem. In a nutshell, clicking on the box should not remove those three dots on the right. Please fix this bad interface.
Status changed to: Closed - No Action

Hi @TTN2014 thank you for sharing this feedback with us! We apologize you were unable to resubscribe your contact as easily as you should. I can however see your experience is a defect our support is continuing to troubleshoot. In fact you have been added to our list to be notified when there are any further updates. If it is still occurring or if you have any additional questions on this please don’t hesitate to respond to this email and I would be happy to assist you further.


So how do we subscribe someone who is unsubscribed?

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