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first line indent

I want to make a list of events, and only have the first line of each event indented about 5 spaces. Asend those idents should stay if I cIose out and reopen the email. should be easy to do this.It isn't.

Status changed to: Clarifying

Hello @DorisK21 ,


If you're able to, could you please provide a screencap or a little further elaboration of what you're referring to, regarding the indent function of text blocks? Is this something specific with bullets vs numbered lists? 


Currently, indents are handled through the formatting bar, not by using the tab keyboard function: 



Is there a specific issue you're having with adding indents or from going back to regular non-bulleted text formatting?

Status changed to: Closed - Not Enough Information

Thank you for taking the time to leave us your feedback. We haven't heard back from you so we are going to close this idea. We will leave it open for comments in case you are able to provide us with the requested information.

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