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What possible use is your upload if it does not recognize a colon between email addresses?

Hi @MikeD3516


What are some cases where you would have colons between the email addresses you are trying to upload into your account? We have taken a look at your account and can see our chat support recommended exporting your contacts out of its previous program into an excel file. This file can then be uploaded directly in your account. In fact does any of the import tools listed on this Help Center article help fit your needs?

Status changed to: Gathering Information

I use Outlook actively and that comma separates the emails - be nice to grab those lists and haave them added to CC - you really need a proforma excel spreadsheet in to which you can dump everything you have and then clean it up there.


Hi @MikeD3516


Thanks for following up with these details! The good news is users can transfer over email contacts from Outlook following these steps. Because of this we are going to close this idea. This doesn't mean that we aren't listening to your feedback! Please feel free to comment or vote on any of the other open ideas to let us know what you would like to see.

Status changed to: Closed - Does Not Meet Idea Requirements
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