Downloading Email/Newsletter to a PDF


I have seen a long thread on this subject in conversations, but have not seen any resolution to the question.  Help?

Marketing Legend
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In my email program, I open the newsletter, then use File Menu --> Export as pdf. It's Apple Mail on a Mac. Or I just tell it to print, then in the bottom left corner, scroll to Save as PDF.


On Google gmail, I open the newsletter, then File --> Print, and in the print dialog box, I click on CHANGE for the printer destination, and select Save as PDF.


Those are the only email programs I use, but I'm sure all of them have a Save as PDF capability these days. 

Marketing Legend
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Alternately, I open the preview in CC, and on Safari on a Mac, I use File --> Export to PDF.


On Chrome, I open the preview in CC, use File --> Print --> Click on Change (Destination) in the print dialog box, and select Save as PDF.


Hello @KimberlyS182,


Thank you for reaching out to the Community!


There are a couple ways to save a Constant Contact email as a PDF file. In addition to the methods that @hvhibiscus shared, we have a download option that you can use. Click Here for more information on that feature.


I hope that this helps! Thank you for using Constant Contact, have a great day!



Evan G.
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Hi Evan,


I am having trouble downloading my eblast without content blocks getting cut off when the page breaks. Is there a way to keep this from happening when downloading the eblast into a PDF? We would like to download this PDF with live links after this is sent out and to save it on our server for all to reference later on.



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Hi @Therma-Tru 


Thank you for reaching out to the Community about your email! We have seen cases where longer emails have page breaks when downloading to print. Have you tried customizing he size and scale of your file?




However depending on the length of your campaign, scaling the PDF version may not work in all cases.

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How can I set page breaks while preparing my email?  It often goes 4+ pages, and I don't like the way articles are broken up.  How can I set my own page breaks and improve the flow of the material?


Hello @Spawrtan,


We completely understand how important it is to have your emails look how you want them, but at the moment we currently do not have a way for our customers to set up their own page breaks when preparing your emails to save as a PDF or print. That is unfortunately decided by how your computer would like to save or print it. I will be submitting your feedback on this over to our engineers to review! 

Zoe H.
Community & Social Media Support

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Any updates on this?  I would really like to be able to remove the page breaks in the PDF or at least be able to self-select where they are. Please advise!

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The answer was that I can't do that, and I can live with that.  If that ever changes, please let me know.  Thanks,


Chad Spawr

Campaign Contributor
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Likewise, our newsletters often go to 7-8 pages.  Page breaks in the printed version that we mail to non-internet members often are at the most inopportune locations.  The ability to add a forced page break while the pdf is being created (perhaps during a preview of the pdf) would make the result more readable. 

Also, the ability to remove background color and pattern during a pdf creation would help the conversion to black/white.

Seems like a lot of people want this.  Hope it's in the CC improvements hopper.

Pete T.

Campaign Collaborator

Is there a way to download campaigns in bulk or do you have to do them one at a time? Our company is looking to download our backlog.

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