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Repurposing an existing CC email.

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Hi All,


We've been sent a CC email from one of our vendors. We usually print off their promo and hand it to our clients. I would like to simply take our vendors email and Frankenstein (recreate or embed) portions of it into my campaign for our clients, which is in essence their vendors clients too.


Question: is there anyway to take a cc email i received and pull into CC and use portions of it. e.g. images, copy, etc.



0 Votes

Hello @JimN ,


Unless they used custom code to construct their email, and are willing to send you the code, there isn't really a way to upload / repurpose an email that was sent to you.


The next closest thing would be to ask the other account if they'd be willing to do a Campaign Copy, which is a one-time $50 service per campaign copied into another account. For this service our technical team can go in and get the email from their account into yours. For more info on Campaign Copy, I'd recommend calling our general support line.

William A
Community & Social Media Support

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Hello @JimN ,


Unless they used custom code to construct their email, and are willing to send you the code, there isn't really a way to upload / repurpose an email that was sent to you.


The next closest thing would be to ask the other account if they'd be willing to do a Campaign Copy, which is a one-time $50 service per campaign copied into another account. For this service our technical team can go in and get the email from their account into yours. For more info on Campaign Copy, I'd recommend calling our general support line.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

Thank you, that's really good info.


Much appreciated,


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