Master email marketing fundamentals. Join the Ready, Set, Send Challenge Week 2!

Update Profile Email

Brand Strategist

You have an "Update Profile Email" editable template here: However, I cannot find how to send this email to my contacts. Elsewhere on the site, it states that you cannot send an email with a link to the "Update Profile Form", the subscriber has to click the "Update Profile" link in the footer of the email. If you can't send an email with a link to the "Update Profile Form", why do you have an "Update Profile Email" template? What am I missing here?


Hi @MyShipleyDonuts,


Thank you for reaching out to us through the Community. I do apologize for any confusion that this might have caused. Basically, when a contact clicks on the Update Profile link at the footer, they will sent the Update Profile Email where they will receive the steps on updating their information within your database. That option of the Update Profile Email template is only for you to edit how that email looks when it gets sent to the contacts who have clicked on the Update Profile link. You cannot email this Update Profile email to your recipients. It will only come to them after they have clicked on the link to update their profile. I hope this helps. Let us know if you need assistance with anything else.

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Brand Strategist

So, let me make sure I have this right. In order for me to collect additional information on my contacts, I have to send an email with pictures and arrows showing them where to click the tiny "update profile" link in the footer of the email, explaining to them that after they click that link they will receive another email they will have to take action on in order to get presented with the form to update their profile info, right? Why not skip all this nonsense and allow us to send an email telling them to "click here" to update their info., at which time, they are presented with the update profile form?

Hello @MyShipleyDonuts,


Thanks for getting back to us.  A nice way to collect more information from your contacts would be to build a Landing page in your Sign-Up Forms tab.  Once you have designed it to collect any relevant data that you're after, you can take the Form URL and attach it to a hyper-link or a button in an email campaign.  After clicking it, the contact will have a new tab pop up that will let them enter more contact information.  The form can be designed with it's own list attached that each person updating their information will automatically be added to.  This will help you keep track of who has and has not yet updated their information.


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I need to send the "update my profile" links to the contacts I have. I want them to be able to choose which lists they would like to be on. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this for more than ONE list. What am I missing?

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Hi @AllianceOfNH 


Thank you for reaching out to the Community about your contacts! As previously mentioned in this thread, this update profile link is already in the footer of every email you send out. The good news is you can schedule an email campaign to all of your contact lists and ask them to click on the link in its footer. As long as you customize your Update Profile Form, all of your contacts will be able to update their subscriptions at once.

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I think the point here is that this is a terrible and not very user-friendly "solution". 

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Hello @STEPHENM8598,


I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused, I would love to submit your feedback on this for more improvements to happen in the future. Thank you for your feedback! 

Zoe H.
Community & Social Media Support

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Brand Visionary

This is not an acceptable solution, sorry. This is a data management problem, and you are in the business of data management. The responses from the company on this issue are trash, and there's not even an option for a downward thumb for feedback. What a waste of time.


The next response from CC will be: I do apologize for any inconvenience this has caused.

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Hi @AllianceOfNH 


Thank you for sharing your feedback on this feature here in the Community! Though we do not have a time estimate of when a feature like this will be available, we're always open to ways we can better our user's experience. Your feedback on both this feature request and our workaround has been submitted to our engineers.

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You're not alone on your email marketing journey. Connect with a Marketing Advisor to see how they can help you develop the right strategy for your business and get the most out of your Constant Contact experience.
Marketing Legend

We still need this functionality. Please address.

Brand Visionary

So it's been three years. Thoughts?



Hello @AllianceOfNH ,


Have you tried using the legacy landing page sign up form? It can effectively be set up the same way as your Update Profile form, and can be linked just like the current landing pages. The legacy LP sign up form will allow you to have multiple list selections available, if you need to send an e-blast to customers to update their list preferences.


Simply go to the Sign-up Forms tab in the navigation bar, select the Basic Landing Pages, and then edit the default Sign-Up Form. Once you've made the edits to the list selections you want available, you can then grab the form's share link and paste that anywhere you need to. Assuming you'll be sending this out to people who are already contacts, the only contact field you should need to include in the form (besides the list selections) is the required email address field, but you're welcome to give your contacts additional fields to fill in, if you want them to have the opportunity to make other changes to their info (such as first name, last name, physical address, etc.)

William A
Community & Social Media Support

Yessssss.  This works!  THANK YOU :clappinghands:😁

Marketing Legend
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MyShipleyDonuts but that form doesn't populate the existing contact's information. So, it isn't really an "update."


My workaround was to create an email that included the contact's details I wanted them to review and then directed them to the link in the footer. Clumsy. Just sent it yesterday, so it remains to be seen how effective it will be.

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Following-up to see if there's an update on this. I like the Landing Page feature, but as was mentioned it doesn't auto-populate information that is already on file (the way the "Update Profile" feature does. 


Hi @ElizabethG97. We don't have an update to share for this request. I'd recommend commenting or giving a "thumbs up" on this post from our Feedback boards. This way you can be notified of any updates we may have.


Caitlin M.
Community Manager
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Well, well, Constant Contact, it has been about two years since this issue was last addressed, and we are still seeing problems with how a subscriber can EASILY update their information. The update profile button is a joke; it lacks efficiency and makes the user link to multiple pages before finally being able to update their information. The worst part is that it is hidden in the footer under the unsubscribe link. I've been using this mailer for over a year, and I have JUST noticed this small feature. The legacy landing page option isn't even a feasible solution as the layout is entirely DATED and hard to interact with. The customization options are incredibly limited, and I don't feel like sitting around coding to make it look like my newer content just because Constant Contact failed to update certain parts of their website. We need a better user-friendly way for our contacts to be able to update their preferences. A size 6 font at the bottom of the email is not intuitive at all. Please fix this. Would love to have the option to send an email to all my contacts to let them easily update their information just from an email that was sent to them.

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