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contact update

0 Votes

Is there a way to update the email address and company name for multiple contacts or do they need to be updated one at a time?

For example, I keep a spreadsheet with similar data below.


Jane Doe is currently with Doe Realty; jdoerealty@amail.com and is now with JDOE Realty; janedoerealty@amail.com 


John Doe is currently with ABC Realty; jd@abcrealty.com and is now with Doe Realty; jdoerealtor@amail.com


And so on.  Any way to edit other than one at a time?

Top Answer

Hello @RachaelK ,


Since email addresses are what denote a unique contact, it's going to be a lot more manual work than if you'd just import a new contact (or do the paste/type multiple or file upload) using the new email address and company name. 

0 Votes

Hello @RachaelK ,


Since email addresses are what denote a unique contact, it's going to be a lot more manual work than if you'd just import a new contact (or do the paste/type multiple or file upload) using the new email address and company name. 

William A
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