Enable Custom Coded Emails to be Used in Automation Paths and Events

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Custom-coded emails are not available for use when setting up automation paths or for event invitations. This is a big oversight since the builder in Constant Contact is way too limiting.


I would love to have the option to add/use custom-coded email campaigns in automation paths.

Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @CreativeStream. Thank you for the feedback about our automated path builder. I'll go ahead and mark this idea as Acknowledged and bring it up to our product team. We can't guarantee a commitment to deliver on this feature request but it should indicate some awareness that we have heard your feedback and could be taken under consideration for a future release.

Campaign Contributor

Why in the world does Automation not support custom coded emails?! It should support any email I make. At least put that caveat in your help documents so I don't spend hours trying to figure out why my beautifully designed email isn't showing up in the Automations edits.

Status changed to: Not Currently Planned

At this time, there are no plans to include custom code emails in automated series or paths. If we hear any updates or plans to review the request, we will share them here.

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