Could you please help me to query the all contacts( Email address + Email Lists) in the CC

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Hi CC Experts, Could you please help me to query all contacts( Email address + Email Lists) in the CC and update the Email address in the Salesforce with the Email Lists Data. 

Campaign Contributor
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The use case is I want to write Batch class in salesforce so that it will query all the contacts in the constant contact and update the contacts in the Salesforce based on the EMAIL address and update the custom field "EMAIL LISTS".


The point is I want to query all the contacts in the CC based upon the email address and featch the related Email lists data in to the Salesforce.

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Hello KPECC,


Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. My team is here to assist outside software developers with questions about building into Constant Contact's API.


Using Constant Contact’s V3 API, you can utilize the GET Contacts Collection request to obtain all of the contacts in your Constant Contact account which will include each contact’s email address and list memberships. Below I’m including our API reference documentation on this request.


GET Contacts Collection:!/Contacts/getContacts


Regarding how to import that data into Salesforce and update specific fields, you’ll need to reach out to your Salesforce administrator or Salesforce’s support team for assistance with how to configure this. Below I’m including a link to Salesforce’s support page.


Salesforce Support:


Please note that Salesforce is a 3rd party product and not built or supported by Constant Contact, so we are limited in the support we can provide, but will try to answer any questions to the best of our ability as they pertain to Constant Contact’s API endpoints and functionality.


Please have a look and let us know if you have any other questions!



John B.
API Support Specialist
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