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Dozens of failed email campaigns, no response from Constant Contact API support

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Sorry for the book - the issue requires context.

A few weeks ago, our organization had 168 email campaigns scheduled to be sent, and 80 of them failed to be sent.  The only error listed was in the "Reporting" tab of each failed campaign, and all the failed campaigns said "We were unable to send this email."  No other details.  I have attempted to get the details from someone using the "Chat with us" method, who recommended calling the Customer Support, which I did.  I spent hours on the phone, and none of the kind customer support people could determine the cause of the failed campaigns, so they asked me to send a request for help to (I was told this is the email address for Constant Contact API support),  which I did last Wednesday in the late afternoon.  After sending the message, a person on the "Chat with us" method told me there should be a response within 4-5 business days.  It has now been over 4-5 business days with no response beyond the confirmation email message.  I tried chatting with someone again today, and they suggested posting my woes here.  Can anyone else help me?

More details regarding the failed campaigns:  They were all created using our software that uses v2 of the Constant Contact API, which we have been using for years without significant errors like this.  The 88 email campaigns that succeeded were created using the same methods and the same v2 of the API as the 80 email campaigns that failed to send.  Each of the campaigns are named uniquely and tied specifically to uniquely named contact lists, which are also maintained by our software using the v2 API.  All I'm looking for are details related to what caused the campaigns to fail, and the only hint I have so far is that we didn't include specific keywords related to the v3 of the Constant Contact API in the body of the messages (which were also omitted from the campaigns that succeeded.)  Has the v2 been deprecated?  Are we not able to use that any more with any reliability?

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Hello @adenisoncmnh,


Thank you for reaching out to Constant Contact API Developer Support. I am sorry for the slightly extended response time.


We've found that the issue which caused these campaigns to fail to send was not related to the campaigns themselves or your usage of our API in any way; the issue was instead account related. We've replied to you via email with further details, but wanted to close the loop here as well. If you haven't received our reply, please contact us at and reference case number 29686429.


While unrelated to the issue you inquired about, we can confirm that our V2 API has not been deprecated. That said, we do encourage users to begin migrating their applications to our current V3 API as soon as possible. The V2 API will be retired at some point, though that timeline has not yet been decided.


A Quick Start Guide for our V3 API can be found here, and the rest of the V3 API documentation can be accessed from this page:

Constant Contact V3 API Quick Start Guide

Please let us know if you have any further questions!


Aarron G.
API Support Engineer
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