Uploaded Contacts and Welcome Email

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I am just starting to look into Welcome Emails. When we upload new customer contacts from Lightspeed, can that trigger a Welcome email?

Top Answer

Hello @MaryJoC83 ,


Welcome emails are setup as a new-subscriber type of automation, meaning only contacts added to a list via a sign up form will trigger the welcome email. If you want an automation to trigger from a contact being added to a list from any source (including you manually uploading / moving them), then you'd want to a use a list-join trigger type, available in the automation builder.

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Hello @MaryJoC83 ,


Welcome emails are setup as a new-subscriber type of automation, meaning only contacts added to a list via a sign up form will trigger the welcome email. If you want an automation to trigger from a contact being added to a list from any source (including you manually uploading / moving them), then you'd want to a use a list-join trigger type, available in the automation builder.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
Marketing Legend
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Finally having a chance to circle around to this. I "think" i have a work around that doesn't require upgrading. Tell me if this seems like it would work.


A little background. I work at a dog training facility and our classes run on a 6 week cycle. I can export from Lightspeed a list of customers who signed up for classes during a specific session, assign them a tag (say Nov2023), and upload that list to my contacts. I can use the tag to send a welcome to class email to just those specific customers. It's not ideal, but we aren't talking huge numbers - about 150 clients each session.


I can have a different tag associated with customers who are completely new to our company. That welcome email would introduce them to all we offer (store, dog park, training).

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