To transition from relying solely on email, it is crucial to leverage the power of social media. In today's business world, social media has become an essential tool. Prominent platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn offer great opportunities.

Social media and email marketing are highly compatible and can work together synergistically. Integrating social media with your other marketing channels, including email marketing, unlocks its true potential.

According to a Constant Contact survey, small businesses that promote their business with multiple social channels in conjunction with email reported increases in key metrics:


  • Customer engagement - 73%
  • New customers - 57%
  • Website traffic - 54%
  • Revenue - 40%
  • Referrals - 39%


If you’re ready to jump into the social media pool, start with sharing your already completed and sent email campaign on your social channels!


How to share an email campaign on social media



  • After creating and sending your email to your contacts, you can extend your reach by sharing it on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn. The post will include the URL for your email by default. You can use the image that is automatically pulled into the post through the link preview, or choose a different image from your library.
  • Give your friends and followers some time to interact with the post, and then check the reporting to see how well it's performing. Don't forget to respond to comments and answer questions to engage with your audience!


📣 Have you tried out Campaign Builder yet? Build a multi-channel campaign, including social media marketing, in a matter of moments!


You don’t have to just share your email campaigns, though. We also have a robust social post tool so you can create, schedule, and monitor your social media activity.


How to use the social post tool in Constant Contact



We’ve made it so you can easily manage your social media channels, create and monitor posts, and respond to comments all in one place. You can create and schedule social media posts that include images, videos, emojis, and hashtags. Once your post is ready, you can share it across all your social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.


📣 You can also create a social post from the Constant Contact mobile app!


After your post goes live, check the reporting to see how it's performing. You can also respond to comments on Facebook or Instagram to stay engaged in the conversation. 


When creating posts, you have the option to focus on a specific social platform. It is not necessary to post on all platforms every time. You can choose to post the same content to all platforms or create variations between your posts. 


Use the scheduling feature to create multiple posts and schedule them according to your content calendar or social media marketing plan.


📣 Make sure to optimize your images for Social Posts.


By following these steps, you can effectively share your emails on social media and utilize the social post tool in Constant Contact to streamline your social media marketing efforts.

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‎05-28-2024 11:32 AM
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