Add sign-up tools to custom landing pages

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I'm looking for something combining the custom landing page and the lead generating landing page. I want to be able to customize the layout of my page but still have the sign-up form. Do you have something like this?


Hi @LorettaS048


Does the lead generation landing page sign-up forms help fit your needs? If not, what exactly are you looking for on these pages that might not be available already?

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The lead generating landing page sign-up form is super simple. It's just a logo, some text and a form but there are no lay-out options and it is not an appealing landing page. The custom landing pages have options to customize the layout but I don't see an option to put a form in.


Hi @LorettaS048


You are correct, the custom landing pages do not offer the ability to collect contacts through it. Instead these are focused on being used to:

  • Share information and video content.
  • Promote specific goods or services, or share a portfolio of listings.
  • Provide details about an event, program, or limited-time offer.
  • Make announcements about your organization.


Because of this, any specifics you can share of customizations you'd like to see on a lead generation landing page is helpful information for us to track and submit to the appropriate teams.


Reply from @LorettaS048 

What I'd like to see is the customized options like the custom landing pages and emails where I can adjust the format, add in images and articles and change the layout but still have the form. So I can share an image of the content that I'm offering to send, give a description of it, make it look nice and then ask them to sign-up to receive the content.

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