Feedback for AI Content Generator

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First thing's first - I have not used or tested the AI SMS message tool, as my organization does not utilize the SMS feature in Constant Contact. That said:


The "Write with AI" tool is atrocious. It's really stretching the limit of what we can call AI. You can only plug in one tweet's worth of source information, and the email it spits out is so barebones that I can't imagine anyone making use of it.


If I need writing assistance while generating an email, I would rather open Chat GPT on another tab 10/10 times.

1 Comment
Status changed to: Acknowledged

Hi @signmuseum. Thank you for the feedback on our AI Content Generator. The feature is meant to be a starting point when creating an email. You use the generated text to build off of it and add your own voice to make it personalized to your business or organization. As the tool is used more, it will recognize what works best for you.


That being said, we welcome any feedback from customers who are using it so we can continue to make it a valuable tool.

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