Hello ConstantContact,
I wrote a ConstantContcat API application using CTCT.dll in csharp.
The application works fine from my development machine at home.
I am running the application on a shared windows web server.
The application was working fine for years.
The application stopped working from the web server sometime in the last few weeks or so.
The application seems to be unable to connect to ConstantContact.
I contacted the hosting company.
They said the server and all components are on TLS 1.2.
The same problem happens when I tested on another hosting company.
The same code is running on my development machine and the web server.
By the way, the application has functionality to synchronize between Wordpress WooCommerce membership and ConstantContact email list.
The problem happens on testing the connection to ConstantContact.
The code just to retrieve verified users to see if there is a good connection.
On my development machine, this works.
On the web server, get the error below.
What might be wrong?
[Exception: Exception of type 'System.Exception' was thrown.] CTCT.Util.RawApiResponse.Get() in ...\CTCTWrapper\Util\RawApiResponse.cs:83 CTCT.Services.AccountService.GetVerifiedEmailAddress() in ...\CTCTWrapper\Services\AccountService.cs:4
Hello Andrew,
My name is Caleb and I am a member of Constant Contact's API Developer Support.
After a review of your account I have been able to identify an API key which has recently been utilized, however I was not able to identify specific requests which resulted in an error response. Due to this, could you please email us directly at 'webservices@constantcontact.com' with your API key, the full error response, timestamps of the example error messages, as well as the request that is being used to call the server in order to better assist you.