Click to view and download.Click to view and download.

 Welcome to the world of SMS marketing with Constant Contact! If you're new to this exciting marketing channel, our downloadable PDF is designed to help you set up quickly and start engaging with your contacts through text messages.


Whether you're looking to promote events, send updates, or drive engagement, this guide will get you started.


📣 Important: Our SMS marketing tools are only available to US customers (excluding Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands) with a valid 9-digit Tax ID Number (TIN), which includes a Social Security Number (SSN) for sole proprietors, or an Employer ID Number (EIN) for businesses assigned by the IRS. (Contacts with phone numbers from Puerto Rico are able to join your list and receive text messages.) Learn more.


Click to download guide.

Version history
Last update:
‎06-14-2024 02:21 PM
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is the average open rate for text message marketing.
- Crazy Egg
is generated for every dollar spent on SMS Marketing.
- Attentive Mobile
boost to your contact’s lifetime with your business by using Email + SMS strategy.

- Braze, 2021 Global Customer Engagement Review

The results are in. Find out how SMS can help the marketing efforts.
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