We are integrating an inline form for a client on a new website. After submitting the form, the form stays visible while the "success" message appears above it - screenshot below. I would think the "success" message would replace the form. The Universal Code is installed above the closing </body> tag, and the Inline Code is installed soon after the opening <body> tag.
I've tried calling and chatting with support, but as we block all traffic outside the US, they can't see the site URL.
Hello @SmartSourceSolutionsLLC ,
During one of your recent chat cases, the agent spoke with our higher level technical team (Tier 2), and they're seeing a wholly different form being rendered. Are you actually using an inline form built directly within your Constant Contact account, or are you using an integrated form, such as one built in the Wordpress integration?
The Tier 2 agent was able to confirm that inline forms in general should fade to the confirmation after submission, and is the expected behavior. It's possible that something in the site's code could be interfering with either the inline code, or the universal code, assuming you are using an actual inline form and not an integrated or 3rd-party built one.
We're using a signup form generated in a client's account that we're building a site for. The code we're using (last 2 digits of variable X'd out):
Inline Form code after opening body tag:
<!-- Begin Constant Contact Inline Form Code -->
<div class="ctct-inline-form" data-form-id="d5be62be-0f8f-4571-b5fc-ebd184f625XX"> </div>
<!-- End Constant Contact Inline Form Code -->
Universal Form code before closing body tag:
<!-- Begin Constant Contact Active Forms -->
<script> var _ctct_m = "eb4275091025d364eed3b8dc2cebdfXX"; </script>
<script id="signupScript" src="//static.ctctcdn.com/js/signup-form-widget/current/signup-form-widget.min.js" async defer></script>
<!-- End Constant Contact Active Forms -->
If you have an email address, I'll send you the link to the development server but I'd rather not post it on a public forum.
Honestly, if you're working in a different account than what your Community profile and chat cases would be applicable to, then it's more strongly advised you call in for live troubleshooting.
I replaced the inline form code with one from our account to help further troubleshooting. The same issue persists.
I've tried calling in, once again overseas support is no help as we're blocking all foreign traffic.
Our higher level tehcnical team is based in the US.
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