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Workaround for Custom Fields Check Boxes or Multiple Choice

0 Votes

Is there any workaround for creating custom fields that use check boxes or multiple choice rather than just text fields? We need clean data for our segmenting and have a lot of audience segments, so having people use the text fields isn't going to work for us. Has anyone found a way around this? We'll need to switch to a different service if this feature isn't added so, but we wanted to se if anyone had troubleshooted this first. Best, J

Top Answer

Hello @FirstNameL683532 ,


At this time, there's nothing in the current system for including custom field check box or multiple choice selections as part of a regular sign up form. This is only applicable in very specific pre-built ways, such as with list selection or for opting into SMS.


If you've developed your own sign up form on your site, and connected to our system via our API, then it may be possible. However this would go beyond what general support can provide assistance on, and require collaboration with our Web Services / Develop team (Developer site | their Community board).



0 Votes

Hello @FirstNameL683532 ,


At this time, there's nothing in the current system for including custom field check box or multiple choice selections as part of a regular sign up form. This is only applicable in very specific pre-built ways, such as with list selection or for opting into SMS.


If you've developed your own sign up form on your site, and connected to our system via our API, then it may be possible. However this would go beyond what general support can provide assistance on, and require collaboration with our Web Services / Develop team (Developer site | their Community board).



William A
Community & Social Media Support
0 Votes

Thanks, William. Could you explain what you mean by "list selection"? Do you mean email list selection?


Based on your post, it sounds like the best solution is for us to build our own custom sign up form and then integrate it with Constant Contact with the help of a developer from your team? We will keep this in mind as we move toward our website redesign and think about which email marketing service best fits our needs. Thx

0 Votes

Yes, that was referring to list contact list selection.

William A
Community & Social Media Support
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