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Your Constant Contact Tutorials

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Why are most of your tutorials only introductory instead of full-length educational ones? They're never completely explaining all aspects of that particular product tool you're using like reporting associated with the tool ie Events, Surveys, and Automation. I get that you want your customer engaged and using the tool, but it draws a lot of questions when you're not thorough, and who has the time to call into support to sit on hold for 15 minutes each time to get supported. My business time equals making money and if I lose time waiting to complete a task due to lack of explanation then I'm losing money!

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Hello @FirstNameL2252159 ,


The point of the tutorials is just that - to give a quick, introductory overview of the functionalities, not to go into the deep details of every individual functionality of a particular tool in our system. Video tutorials should have links to their associated full articles - for example: Tutorial: Create an automation path links to our main article for Getting started with the Automation Path Builder, which also contains the video tutorial.

If you have feedback regarding an article or video tutorial, I'd recommend using the Did this article answer your question? links at the bottom of the page. When you select an option, you'll be prompted to provide additional info for our Knowledge Base team so they can make changes or updates as needed.

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William A
Community & Social Media Support

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Hello @FirstNameL2252159 ,


The point of the tutorials is just that - to give a quick, introductory overview of the functionalities, not to go into the deep details of every individual functionality of a particular tool in our system. Video tutorials should have links to their associated full articles - for example: Tutorial: Create an automation path links to our main article for Getting started with the Automation Path Builder, which also contains the video tutorial.

If you have feedback regarding an article or video tutorial, I'd recommend using the Did this article answer your question? links at the bottom of the page. When you select an option, you'll be prompted to provide additional info for our Knowledge Base team so they can make changes or updates as needed.

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William A
Community & Social Media Support
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